OXiane partenaire formation dotSwift 2018
OXiane aura le plaisir d’accueillir dans ses locaux les 30 et janvier 2 workshops
par Daniel Steinberg
Formation Intermediate :Getting the Most from Swift Types | Formation HardcoreMap, Filter, Reduce, and FlatMap |
Content:In this fast-moving one day workshop we’ll work at getting the most form combining paradigms from Functional Programming, Protocol Oriented Programming, and Object-Oriented Programming. Our focus for this day will be on types and communication. In the first half we create a family of types for Currency and use Phantom Types, Nested Types, Protocols, Protocol Extensions, and Generics to ensure they work properly with each other. We also introduce elements that allow you to write literate code that is easy to read and use safely. We end this section with custom operators you will adopt and use in your everyday Swift development. In the second half we focus on how Swift changes the way you architect your apps. We move from MVC to MVVM in two settings and see how working with value types changes some of your standard practices. In the first example, we partition behavior into discrete parts and limit their knowledge and dependencies. We focus on reducing the surface area of the API we work with. In the second part we build a generic model and use it in a simple Table View application where the data source is not the Table view controller. | Content:This workshop will take you from a casual developer who uses map() now and then in your code to someone who can create and use Functors and Monads at will.
Syllabus : | Syllabus : |
Basic Types
Building a DSL
Swift based MVC
Swifty Table Views
| Functional Programming Basics
Mapping Collections
Other Higher-Order Functions
Understanding Map
Understanding Map
Immutable State (optional topic)
Student requirements :It is assumed that you are an experienced programmer who has spent time with Swift. You will need a Mac running the latest version of Xcode 9. | Student requirements:This course assumes you are an experienced programmer who is confident with Swift. You will need a Mac running the latest version of Xcode 9. |
Formation Intermediate “Getting the Most from Swift Types” : 199 €HT
Formation Hardcore “Map, Filter, Reduce, and FlatMap” : 199 €HT
Combo Formation intermediate + Hardcore : 398 € HT
Combo formation Intermediate + dotSwift : 399 €HT
Combo formation Hardcore + dotSwift : 399 €HT
Combo formation Intermediate + Hardcore + dotSwift : 549 €HT